Thousands each year take their boats out into the lakes and can't wait to get their fishing poles and gear and catch their bass or tell us about the big one which happened to get away on them. It is a great pastime though as the people get out to the great outdoors and enjoy the scenery as well as the thrill of the catch at least hopefully a catch. Any avid angler will tell you though that the right boat is so very important and they agree that it will make the day either a failure or a success for them.
Bass boats are fast and they will take the fisherman just about anywhere. As well as being fast they are more maneuverable than you might think looking at their size. There are a few things which need to be discussed about bass boats though so here are some of those facts. When you are considering the idea of purchasing a bass boat consider the fact that you need a vehicle which has the power to pull that amount of weight being almost four thousand pounds. You could be taking it up some rugged hills and roads too so towing that big boat could be a problem if you are not equipped with the right vehicle.
The question you must ask yourself is where you will be doing most of your fishing. Will it be in small lakes or rivers and if you will be then probably the best boat for you would be an small outboard motor-boat. If you are going into the larger lakes then you definitely will need the much larger boat at least one which is 19 feet long and if you're going 20 or 30 miles out you will need a bigger boat for safety sake.
Bass boats come in two difference kinds aluminum and fiberglass. The most reasonable one is the aluminum and it will stand up better when it gets some scrapes or bumps. You will not have as smooth a ride though and the aluminum boats can get tossed about quite a bit as they are fairly light so if you are going to stay in the smaller lakes you should stick with this one. You would only need one which is about 17' long in this case.
Fiberglass boats are much faster than aluminum but the cost is much higher too. You could spend up to $40,000 so be prepared but they are easier on the gas plus they are quieter. It would depend on where you live abo
The question you must ask yourself is where you will be doing most of your fishing. Will it be in small lakes or rivers and if you will be then probably the best boat for you would be an small outboard motor-boat. If you are going into the larger lakes then you definitely will need the much larger boat at least one which is 19 feet long and if you're going 20 or 30 miles out you will need a bigger boat for safety sake.
Bass boats come in two difference kinds aluminum and fiberglass. The most reasonable one is the aluminum and it will stand up better when it gets some scrapes or bumps. You will not have as smooth a ride though and the aluminum boats can get tossed about quite a bit as they are fairly light so if you are going to stay in the smaller lakes you should stick with this one. You would only need one which is about 17' long in this case.
Fiberglass boats are much faster than aluminum but the cost is much higher too. You could spend up to $40,000 so be prepared but they are easier on the gas plus they are quieter. It would depend on where you live abo
Bass boats come in two difference kinds aluminum and fiberglass. The most reasonable one is the aluminum and it will stand up better when it gets some scrapes or bumps. You will not have as smooth a ride though and the aluminum boats can get tossed about quite a bit as they are fairly light so if you are going to stay in the smaller lakes you should stick with this one. You would only need one which is about 17' long in this case.
Fiberglass boats are much faster than aluminum but the cost is much higher too. You could spend up to $40,000 so be prepared but they are easier on the gas plus they are quieter. It would depend on where you live about the prices of these boats and you need to consider the cost of keeping them somewhere when you can't have it on the water as it needs to be stored somewhere especially if you are in the snow belt.
There is always the possibility of you being able to find a bass boat second hand somewhere and that would be a wonderful find. There you thought it would be so simple to go fishing and put your line in the water but it can end up being very costly but if you are a fishing enthusiast then the money isn't a consideration. You will need a good bass boat to be able to get to the areas where the most fish are.
Fiberglass boats are much faster than aluminum but the cost is much higher too. You could spend up to $40,000 so be prepared but they are easier on the gas plus they are quieter. It would depend on where you live about the prices of these boats and you need to consider the cost of keeping them somewhere when you can't have it on the water as it needs to be stored somewhere especially if you are in the snow belt.
There is always the possibility of you being able to find a bass boat second hand somewhere and that would be a wonderful find. There you thought it would be so simple to go fishing and put your line in the water but it can end up being very costly but if you are a fishing enthusiast then the money isn't a consideration. You will need a good bass boat to be able to get to the areas where the most fish are.