If you have an auto shop you know sticker shock occurs all the time. In today's economy it is worse because folks are trying to cling on to their money. Credit cards might be maxed out or credit is so bad they do not have any options like a 90 day payment plan or trying for another credit card. Regularly I rap with shops who say they are busy enough and do not fret about the customers that can't afford getting their vehicle fixed properly the first time. That's really not the situation in our economy now but there are a few shops out there with that attitude.
Should you take checks and hope the check is good? To many of us have been burned by that situation. You can only live in such a small township and know each person to take that chance. Either look for a company that will guarantee the check and you do what you do best and fix the car in the correct way. You don't want to have to stress about payment options but you own the business and it should be at the upper tier of your daily priority now.
Getting a new Mastercard is difficult. Your clients are probably maxed out and even if the do have the money to get the automobile fixed it might eat the emergency cash that is left on the balance of the card. Times are tricky and you should understand that not all situations are controllable. That purchaser could be a life long shopper if you help them out in that emergency situation that might improve as time goes by. The old proverb 'never throw the baby out with the bath water ' comes to mind. Visa cards are not always an option the way that it was years ago when we all owned at least 3 visa cards. It really was looked at as being cool to possess so many cards - not today.
Having cash is king and we know that. But what if it was for a fix that cost 1000.00 greenbacks? I didn'thave a grand laying in the house and specially in my pocket. Folk are hording funds nowadays anyhow. Emergency funds have dried up on mastercards and hard currency is the new 'in'. That doesn't mean they want to burn the whole thing. Medical is the number one critical situation and fixing the vehicle from the auto shop is number deuce.
Just plain don't have a technique to pay for the vehicle. If there are no in house options to cover a substantial repair job you might have to decline. Inhouse financing like a 90 day same as cash is too dodgy unless you have got a program that may pay you up front with no risk. You have an investment in parts and labor; not to mention the lease on the building, tools for your store and just your daily bills. Find an option because the economy is not going to get any better for some time. What if it was you looking for a choice? Now you can feel the pain of your customer.
Should you take checks and hope the check is good? To many of us have been burned by that situation. You can only live in such a small township and know each person to take that chance. Either look for a company that will guarantee the check and you do what you do best and fix the car in the correct way. You don't want to have to stress about payment options but you own the business and it should be at the upper tier of your daily priority now.
Getting a new Mastercard is difficult. Your clients are probably maxed out and even if the do have the money to get the automobile fixed it might eat the emergency cash that is left on the balance of the card. Times are tricky and you should understand that not all situations are controllable. That purchaser could be a life long shopper if you help them out in that emergency situation that might improve as time goes by. The old proverb 'never throw the baby out with the bath water ' comes to mind. Visa cards are not always an option the way that it was years ago when we all owned at least 3 visa cards. It really was looked at as being cool to possess so many cards - not today.
Having cash is king and we know that. But what if it was for a fix that cost 1000.00 greenbacks? I didn'thave a grand laying in the house and specially in my pocket. Folk are hording funds nowadays anyhow. Emergency funds have dried up on mastercards and hard currency is the new 'in'. That doesn't mean they want to burn the whole thing. Medical is the number one critical situation and fixing the vehicle from the auto shop is number deuce.
Just plain don't have a technique to pay for the vehicle. If there are no in house options to cover a substantial repair job you might have to decline. Inhouse financing like a 90 day same as cash is too dodgy unless you have got a program that may pay you up front with no risk. You have an investment in parts and labor; not to mention the lease on the building, tools for your store and just your daily bills. Find an option because the economy is not going to get any better for some time. What if it was you looking for a choice? Now you can feel the pain of your customer.
About the Author:
Wymetto Barnard is a pro in financial payment solutions helping little business's lessen cost, increase profit and particularly increase foot traffic to their store. Please contact Customer Payment Solutions to extend profits for your car business like a car finder programme.