The new KTM Duke 200cc will be going to launched in India during the Delhi Car Expo following calendar year. The Austrian producer, on which Bajaj holds about forty percent of share had released the Duke 125cc in Europe produced from Bajaj's plant in Pune which is received quite well above there. The CEO of KTM Sportmotorcycle AG, Mr. Stefan Pierer explained, "During the Delhi Car Expo subsequent yr, we will be launching the 1st 200-cc Duke bike in India". He also extra that this bike will be produced in Bajaj's plant which is of training courses a recognized reality.
"We anticipate to market 25,000 to 30,000 models in India in the very initial year of launch. Following one particular calendar year, we will launch the 350 cc KTM Duke in India." This interview has also made us realise that 1 calendar year down the line of the subsequent KTM is because of for India with a 350 cc motor.
1 of the most famous bike company, KTM is likely to introduce the unique and attractive sports activities bike specifically KTM Duke 200 in Indian market.Concerning the KTM Duke 125 cc which was produced exclusively for the European youth, he mentioned, "We have by now offered almost 7,000 models in Europe. We are concentrating on to market about 10,000 models in Europe in this year".
From the interview went on, it was pretty clear that KTM is extremely happy with Bajaj's help in phrases of exports and manufacturing. "All the bikes that were produce in India and will be international versions. Now we are seeking to export new KTM bikes from Bajaj to other rising markets like Thailand, Brazil, and Malaysia, "Mr. Pierer mentioned.
Financial Times has quoted that in year 2007, Bajaj picked up a 14.9 percent interest in KTM for all around Rs 300 crore. A yr later, it increased its post in the European bicycle-maker to 25 percent and has been increasing it steadily. Both organizations also signed an arrangement for jointly building 125 bikes, which will be constructed at Bajaj's plant close to Pune for exports to the European marketplace below the KTM brand name. They had before planned to start their bikes in India in the latter 50 % of this 12 months.
"We anticipate to market 25,000 to 30,000 models in India in the very initial year of launch. Following one particular calendar year, we will launch the 350 cc KTM Duke in India." This interview has also made us realise that 1 calendar year down the line of the subsequent KTM is because of for India with a 350 cc motor.
1 of the most famous bike company, KTM is likely to introduce the unique and attractive sports activities bike specifically KTM Duke 200 in Indian market.Concerning the KTM Duke 125 cc which was produced exclusively for the European youth, he mentioned, "We have by now offered almost 7,000 models in Europe. We are concentrating on to market about 10,000 models in Europe in this year".
From the interview went on, it was pretty clear that KTM is extremely happy with Bajaj's help in phrases of exports and manufacturing. "All the bikes that were produce in India and will be international versions. Now we are seeking to export new KTM bikes from Bajaj to other rising markets like Thailand, Brazil, and Malaysia, "Mr. Pierer mentioned.
Financial Times has quoted that in year 2007, Bajaj picked up a 14.9 percent interest in KTM for all around Rs 300 crore. A yr later, it increased its post in the European bicycle-maker to 25 percent and has been increasing it steadily. Both organizations also signed an arrangement for jointly building 125 bikes, which will be constructed at Bajaj's plant close to Pune for exports to the European marketplace below the KTM brand name. They had before planned to start their bikes in India in the latter 50 % of this 12 months.