Is the planet actually in trouble with all of the environmental problems? Are fossil fuels the scariest thing that ever happened to the human race? If fossil fuels are so bad, and also have caused so many problems, why are they still used. With all of the inventions that were thought up, no one could come up with something better than a fossil fuel driven vehicle. Didn't somebody have to invent it, back before there were even cars.
All over the net, you are able to find information about converting your vehicle into one that will run on water, for less than $200. If this is actually true, and lots of people say that they have done it, and it works, why are there no car makers selling water-driven cars. If it's a possibility, then why haven't the clever minds at the car companies figured out how to do it. If they are able to figure out a method to get 40 miles to the gallon instead of 30, why can't they figure out a way to get 50. If we're having this type of crisis, why are they still producing cars that get less than 20 miles to the gallon. If recreational vehicles acquire less than 5 miles to a gallon, how can they even be allowed on the road, if we only have a few more years of fuel remaining?
One thing that should be done is a limit should really be placed on the passengers a plane has before it is allowed to leave the ground. Corporate jets are also a problem mainly because they're going to fly all around the earth and only carry a couple of passengers. So if there is an energy crisis and we are running low on standard fuels, why are not there limits on airlines and companies? These things happen every day and the people in charge keep blaming it on the men and women simply because they're wasting too much fossil fuels. With all the contradictions that are happening yo
One thing that should be done is a limit should really be placed on the passengers a plane has before it is allowed to leave the ground. Corporate jets are also a problem mainly because they're going to fly all around the earth and only carry a couple of passengers. So if there is an energy crisis and we are running low on standard fuels, why are not there limits on airlines and companies? These things happen every day and the people in charge keep blaming it on the men and women simply because they're wasting too much fossil fuels. With all the contradictions that are happening yo
One thing that should be done is a limit should really be placed on the passengers a plane has before it is allowed to leave the ground. Corporate jets are also a problem mainly because they're going to fly all around the earth and only carry a couple of passengers. So if there is an energy crisis and we are running low on standard fuels, why are not there limits on airlines and companies? These things happen every day and the people in charge keep blaming it on the men and women simply because they're wasting too much fossil fuels. With all the contradictions that are happening you may wonder what you ought to be believing to start with.
An additional part of the energy crisis that's difficult to comprehend is the running out of water issue. You most likely already realize that our world is really made up of about 75% water. You are able to get a filter to place on your faucet which makes the water clean, so how come it cannot be done on a large-scale by water organizations. You have to recognize that you can find a lot of things that are amazing like microwave ovens and high definition TV's, but no one can create a large water purifier? If individuals can in fact distill water why is it that they are unable to figure out a method to purify the water as well.
There is really an energy crisis, but if our own government and the large corporations really aren't worried about this problem why would anyone else on this planet worry about it either? If something is going to be done about the energy crisis it's going to be something that will need to be started on the massive scale.
About the Author:
An additional part of the energy crisis that's difficult to comprehend is the running out of water issue. You most likely already realize that our world is really made up of about 75% water. You are able to get a filter to place on your faucet which makes the water clean, so how come it cannot be done on a large-scale by water organizations. You have to recognize that you can find a lot of things that are amazing like microwave ovens and high definition TV's, but no one can create a large water purifier? If individuals can in fact distill water why is it that they are unable to figure out a method to purify the water as well.
There is really an energy crisis, but if our own government and the large corporations really aren't worried about this problem why would anyone else on this planet worry about it either? If something is going to be done about the energy crisis it's going to be something that will need to be started on the massive scale.
About the Author:
The author has been creating articles for years now.He's created posts on various themes like Mother of the Bride Outfits and Short Evening Dresses.You might find out more about these content articles at his web site.