In an earlier article I discussed the terrible economy and the sad state of affairs in boating and fishing. Well that is half of the story.... but not everyone is impacted in the same way when the economy turns sour.
If you are still employed with that great job and are making that super salary then this can be a great time to get into boating. This applies also if you were able to bank a nice savings account before the economy went down.
You have really picked a great time. There is an old saying that you should buy when things are cheap and sell your items when the prices are high. This is very appropriate right now. Boat prices have never been more attractive for buyers than right now, and they won't be changing for a while.
If you decide to make a purchase you will need to think about those responsible and necessary items. You know, like insurance, safety equipment, dock fees, fuel, hauling out fees, and bottom cleaning.
If you are still employed with that great job and are making that super salary then this can be a great time to get into boating. This applies also if you were able to bank a nice savings account before the economy went down.
You have really picked a great time. There is an old saying that you should buy when things are cheap and sell your items when the prices are high. This is very appropriate right now. Boat prices have never been more attractive for buyers than right now, and they won't be changing for a while.
If you decide to make a purchase you will need to think about those responsible and necessary items. You know, like insurance, safety equipment, dock fees, fuel, hauling out fees, and bottom cleaning.
Here are my suggestions if you are ready.
1. Don't rush. Take your time as there is no hurry. There are a lot of pressured owners/sellers out there right now, so shop around.
2. After you decide what kind, size, year, color, etc ..... make a decision ... and stick with it... Jumping around from boat to boat just confuses the issue and loses you the control of the situation.
3. Now shop only for that boat that you decided on ..... don't get sidetracked by all the others ..again control of the situation is paramount in this type of deal.
4. You must now make the decision as to how you will pay for it. Will it be owner financing (which is very attractive) or banks/commercial lenders. The lower interest rates, great terms, ease of lending, and that plain old comfortable dealing provided by owner financing will make it the winner in most cases.
5. Select the interest rate that you feel comfortable with, the down payment that you want to make, and the terms you would like....
6. Find 5 or 6 (easy to do right now) of the exact boat that you want to buy ..... call or mail the owner and tell him what you want to do ....... spell it out ...terms, conditions, price, the whole enchilada.
Guess what ???? I promise you at least one of them will call you up and say SOLD !!
These are not normal times and normally this might not be ridiculously easy and simple. But these are not normal times so try it and get surprised.
As my granddaddy used to say .... right now you are in the catbird seat ..... Name your tune partner...
This is probably not the opportunity to be crazy, but with a polite att
1. Don't rush. Take your time as there is no hurry. There are a lot of pressured owners/sellers out there right now, so shop around.
2. After you decide what kind, size, year, color, etc ..... make a decision ... and stick with it... Jumping around from boat to boat just confuses the issue and loses you the control of the situation.
3. Now shop only for that boat that you decided on ..... don't get sidetracked by all the others ..again control of the situation is paramount in this type of deal.
4. You must now make the decision as to how you will pay for it. Will it be owner financing (which is very attractive) or banks/commercial lenders. The lower interest rates, great terms, ease of lending, and that plain old comfortable dealing provided by owner financing will make it the winner in most cases.
5. Select the interest rate that you feel comfortable with, the down payment that you want to make, and the terms you would like....
6. Find 5 or 6 (easy to do right now) of the exact boat that you want to buy ..... call or mail the owner and tell him what you want to do ....... spell it out ...terms, conditions, price, the whole enchilada.
Guess what ???? I promise you at least one of them will call you up and say SOLD !!
These are not normal times and normally this might not be ridiculously easy and simple. But these are not normal times so try it and get surprised.
As my granddaddy used to say .... right now you are in the catbird seat ..... Name your tune partner...
This is probably not the opportunity to be crazy, but with a polite att
4. You must now make the decision as to how you will pay for it. Will it be owner financing (which is very attractive) or banks/commercial lenders. The lower interest rates, great terms, ease of lending, and that plain old comfortable dealing provided by owner financing will make it the winner in most cases.
5. Select the interest rate that you feel comfortable with, the down payment that you want to make, and the terms you would like....
6. Find 5 or 6 (easy to do right now) of the exact boat that you want to buy ..... call or mail the owner and tell him what you want to do ....... spell it out ...terms, conditions, price, the whole enchilada.
Guess what ???? I promise you at least one of them will call you up and say SOLD !!
These are not normal times and normally this might not be ridiculously easy and simple. But these are not normal times so try it and get surprised.
As my granddaddy used to say .... right now you are in the catbird seat ..... Name your tune partner...
This is probably not the opportunity to be crazy, but with a polite attitude and a little common sense I would bet the farm that a real bargain is out there waiting for you.
So, what are you waiting for .... get excited and go get it !!
About the Author:
5. Select the interest rate that you feel comfortable with, the down payment that you want to make, and the terms you would like....
6. Find 5 or 6 (easy to do right now) of the exact boat that you want to buy ..... call or mail the owner and tell him what you want to do ....... spell it out ...terms, conditions, price, the whole enchilada.
Guess what ???? I promise you at least one of them will call you up and say SOLD !!
These are not normal times and normally this might not be ridiculously easy and simple. But these are not normal times so try it and get surprised.
As my granddaddy used to say .... right now you are in the catbird seat ..... Name your tune partner...
This is probably not the opportunity to be crazy, but with a polite attitude and a little common sense I would bet the farm that a real bargain is out there waiting for you.
So, what are you waiting for .... get excited and go get it !!
About the Author:
Before you go anywhere and try to find your perfect boat be sure and research CapnBill's excellent articles on finding your perfect boat Time to buy a boat